Thursday, September 29, 2005

Gathering of Eagles

Eagles fly alone - but they gather in conclaves for strength

Perth Amboy, New Jersey - If you're a ministry leader, you are invited to The Covenant Ecumenical Fellowship and Cathedral Assemblies (CEFCA) the Annual Conclave The Gathering of Eagles - Empowering Strong Churches with Strong Leaders October 25-28, 2005 At Cathedral International in Perth Amboy, New Jersey Daily workshops and Evening Worship with Bishop John Francis, Bishop Larry Trotter, Dr. John Guns, Dr. Marvin Sapp, Bishop J.D. Ellis and others

About Bishop Donald Hilliard

Consecrated a Bishop in 1995, Dr. Donald Hilliard Jr. is the Presiding Bishop and Founder of the Covenant Ecumenical Fellowship and Cathedral Assemblies, Inc. In this role, Bishop Hilliard serves as the spiritual advisor and mentor for several pastors and churches across the United States and West Africa. A true bridge builder, Dr. Hilliard hosts monthly interdenominational clergy gatherings. He has also established the Safe Harbor Clergy Leadership Conference where innovative leaders from different denominational backgrounds gather to confront and minister to various issues faced by clergy daily as well as to expand their theological and social horizons. Dr. Hilliard is a member of the Yale University Center for Faith and Culture where curriculums are developed to help pastors and their congregations envision and practice Christian faith as an integral way of life. Dr. Hilliard is an active member of the Oxford University Round Table where world leaders discuss important policy questions pertaining to church, state and education in a collegial think-tank atmosphere. He is also a visiting professor of Church Renewal at Drew University School of Theology, Madison, NJ, and Group Convener and Mentor of the Donald Hilliard Fellows, Doctor of Ministry Program.

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