Sunday, March 12, 2006

Host a Bone Marrow Drive at your church!

How do you tell a child they may not live long enough to kiss a girl (yuck), or tell a girl won't grow up to get married...Leukemia victims in your family and community have life sentences if a bone marrow donor match is not found. There is a pressing need for Black and African-American to take a simple blood test donations to make a difference in someone's life while your alive.

Host a Bone Marrow Drive In Your Area:
Anyone can hold a marrow drive! Businesses, sororities, fraternities, individuals, families, and organizations! They are all welcome to join the National Registry!

Where can a drive be held?
A marrow drive can be held anywhere at almost anytime! We are available seven days a week. Marrow drives can be held at national conferences, fairs, companies, colleges, and churches. When speaking to the recruiter, know the location, time, date and the type of event.

What happens at a bone marrow drive?
The object of a bone marrow drive is to test people's tissue, so they can be listed on the National Marrow Donor Program Registry. The process takes about 20 minutes per donor and is virtually painless. Each person is asked to fill out a medical history questionnaire. If they meet the necessary qualifications, a quick blood sample is taken from their arm or finger. It's then sent to a laboratory and the bone marrow type is entered into the national registry.

What Are the Chances of Finding a Match?
The odds vary widely. Approximately 80 percent of all patients do identify a potential match on their preliminary search. This number has improved significantly over the past few years, because of the overall recruitment efforts and increased racial and ethnic diversity on the Registry. Bear in mind, however, that not all of the 80 percent of patients who identify an identical donor at the preliminary search will necessarily go on to transplant. Similarly, some of the 20 percent who do not immediately have a match may subsequently identify one or be transplanted with a less or partial match.

Who do I contact if I want to Host a drive?
If you would like to hold a marrow drive in your area, please contact a Specialist at the Greek Gray Leukemia Foundation.

Contact Information
Farrah Gray
(212) 859 - 5028

Danielle Jean-Jacques
(702) 563 -5126

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