Monday, June 16, 2014

"C. Ivan Johnson to release 2nd Book" - Click here for more...

C. Ivan Johnson, Prophetic preacher, Award Winning Radio Personality, and Author prepares to release second book, "A Personal Revival; 21 Days of Consecration" September 2014!

C. Ivan Johnson who travels the breadth and width of the U.S. preaching and Mcing, is a native of Tacoma, WA and is quite the trailblazer in his community. With 5 year tenure over the airwaves, he has become a foremost Radio and TV personality. He's the host of "The Praise Break Hour" an hour of high voltage praise music and segments of inspirational interviews with the top names in Gospel music. The Praise Break Hour airs on 3 online networks;,, and! This Spring, C. Ivan Johnson made two national television appearances on the Word Network Church Live with Lexi and TCT's Dorinda Clark Cole show.

He released his first book the highly acclaimed "A Servant's Journal; Encouraging Devotions and Exhortations" June 2012. Gospel Recording Artist, Melinda Watts describes this book as a book that; "Leaves you wanting to return daily to commune with the Lord!" There is great anticipation of the release of his second book "A Personal Revival; 21 Days of Consecration". On TCT's Dorinda Show, he described this book as a book that will propel the body of Christ to take personal responsibility and live a perpetual life of consecration. Each daily revival reading will include an exhortation, scripture, prayer, and fasting instructions for the day. C. Ivan Johnson says; "This book was birthed from a place of desperation and longing to be shifted to another dimension in the Spirit realm. The Lord promised me, all those who read will experience supernatural revival and shifting!"

This book will be available on Amazon and

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