Monday, September 01, 2014

Searing New Book Exposes Jesus Christ as 'Scapegoat' for Homophobic Christians

‘Stop The Judgment: Going After the Heart of Traditional Church Folk on Sexuality and Marriage Equality’ turns the spotlight onto the many contradictions and myths surrounding Christian love. Brown fuses scripture with personal experience as homophobia within Christianity is explored candidly. It begs the question; if Jesus said “love thy neighbor as thyself”, why do millions of Christians inflict pain, torment and suffering on the LGBT community?

Atlanta, GA - Christianity is globally renowned for its outward face of unconditional love, acceptance and ability to find strength in the darkest of situations. However, as a proud member of the gay community, Samuel Marcus Brown has endured vicious oppression and hatred from his fellow “Christians”. In his compelling new book, Brown exposes this widespread and growing problem, while contrasting these shallow opinions directly against the word of scripture.

Everything is showcased in ‘Stop The Judgment: Going After the Heart of Traditional Church Folk on Sexuality and Marriage Equality’. Hard-hitting and unafraid to rock the waters of convention, Brown holds nothing back when openly admitting that millions of Christians are just “wannabe” believers choosing to use Jesus Christ as a scapegoat for their own opinions.

The book’s synopsis is best explained by renowned educator, Thelma L. Phillips:

Stop the Judgment, by Samuel Marcus Brown, is a personal expression of what Jesus says about Christian love, “Love thy neighbor as thyself.” It also speaks on the hypocrisy and misguided teaching of ministers, preachers, bishops, elders, and the everyday lay person on their interpretation of what “homosexuality” means according to the Word of God. Their voices are direct attacks on non-heterosexual people which demonstrate hatred, discrimination and bigotry at the highest level. This book is also written for all people – straight, gay, lesbians, bisexuals, transgender, on the down-low, and more importantly, the “wanna-be” Christians in many cases are hiding behind God’s words because of their own personal experiences, self-hatred or confusion due to teachings from someone who has taken away or added to Christ’s teachings.

“To put it bluntly, too many Christians wear their prejudice as a badge of courage, especially surrounding issues of homosexuality and marriage equality,” admits Brown. “This book outlines my concern and contention for these attitudes, which is extremely timely considering the rapid changes in marriage law within the United States.”

Continuing, “The book is a cocktail of my own experiences and wider and notable examples of homosexuality being condemned by the Christian church. I also include a letter of heartfelt thanks to President Obama, who has become the mature voice of reason within our nation; thus inspiring an entire generation. Being a gay African American has in itself presented a big challenge when it comes to me taking my arguments public. However, I am not afraid and refuse to stand by.”

Reader Edwin Jackson was also impressed with Brown’s clear and passionate case, writing, “Samuel Marcus Brown has done it again by writing another insightful and hard hitting, truth filled book! This book is a needed message for this hour with so many churches ragging on those of us who are homosexual and born again. He addresses every facet of areas that the Christian church throws at us from the clobber scriptures, HIV/AIDS, eunuchs in the Bible, whether Jesus Christ, our savior, ever talked about homosexuals, can practicing homosexuals be born again, etc.”

‘Stop The Judgment: Going After the Heart of Traditional Church Folk on Sexuality and Marriage Equality’ is available now:

More information can be found on Facebook:

About the Author
Samuel Marcus Brown, Simply a “church-boy” at heart who loves God, his family, gospel music, positive music of all genres, travel and his mom’s old-fashion pound cake. He has always been inspired by Jesus who navigated the purpose of his life among the traditional religious church folk of that day. At the tender age of 40 Samuel shared his expression of personal truth with his parents and family in a very short self-published book entitled ‘Son of a Bishop, My Testimony.’ Samuel is dedicated to the duty of building a bridge of love and understanding up and outside the walls of traditional religion and gay stereotypes. Dr. Martin Luther King’s sense of justice has always stirred the core of his soul. Samuel believes that you will enjoy this honest, heartfelt walk down a historic corridor of a religious tradition; enveloped by preconceived ideas of sexuality and spirituality. This walk promises to enlighten those with an open heart and it will inspire the oppressed.

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