Friday, May 29, 2015

Developing Wealth Creation with Michael Mariner

Developing Wealth Creation with Michael Mariner

When referring to wealth creation one must first determine what wealth means to them. Wealth in its truest form goes beyond the realm of just any monetary substance, however inclusive of it.  If we look at it from a natural point of view, one meaning for the word wealth is an abundance of valuable material, possessions, or resources. Wealth just like anything can be either positive or negative depending upon who has control of it. That’s why it’s imperative for it to be in the proper hands so that it can be both used and distributed properly.

For starters, one way wealth is created is through investing not saving. Not negating saving but we’re talking about wealth creation, there's no risk in saving and with investing the higher the risk the higher the return. However, risk taking is not so much about the unknown as it is about the known. Risk only becomes risk when there aren't enough factors needed to make an informed decision. When you have studied and done your research about what you are about to invest in, actually the risk is removed and now you have made an informed decision. There's risk in everything, the key is to minimize loss while taking calculated risks or shall I now say informed decisions.

True wealth is external manifestations produced by internal values. True wealth comes from the inside out. What you value internally reveals what's viewed externally. For example, take someone making an investment into an investment vehicle, they have to see internal value, for example, how's the company or product performing, what is  its upside and downside, what is  its rate of return, etc. Notice the investment started internally then was viewed externally. Just like with life. What you view internally is what's viewed externally. No matter the circumstance true wealth is built from the inside out; from investing your money to investing in a life. Once you value investing it opens up a whole new world of opportunities, which brings me to my next point, you must value investing. Wealthy people are concerned with investing while consumers are concerned with purchasing. Henceforth the word consumer, they consume everything and value nothing. When investing in something, there's a sense of responsibility to make sure you get a good return on your investment. Consumers aren’t concerned with investing because it requires them to be responsible and held accountable.  When investing in something there’s a sense to be all in, expectations are high at this point, however when something is purchased the level of expectation doesn't go beyond the purchase. Think about it for a moment. Look at the last time you received something for free versus something you had to make an investment in. If you’re honest with yourself you’ll see there was more care and attention placed on the investment than the purchase. Even though you didn’t pay for it someone did, someone made a purchase and because we only saw it as that, a purchase and not an investment, we devalued it and therefore the care of it in most cases is nonexistent. When we don't value something we'll pay for it without the expectation of a return. So, we must make sure to value investing because it is through this knowledge wealth is gained.

Also during the process of wealth creation one must learn how to establish and increase assets while eliminating and minimizing liabilities. An asset is anything that brings value to you and a liability is anything that does not bring value to you. An asset defined by Investopedia is a resource with economic value that an individual, corporation or country owns or controls with the expectation that it will provide a future benefit. Assets can be anything from real estate, land, equipment, cash, antiques and the like, that has immediate value for now or the future. Liabilities can be considered anything that is a form of debt. The accumulation of assets is a required means to creating wealth. For example, I went to a car show where there was an array of old vintage cars that many individuals had purchased in their worst state imaginable for literally pennies on the dollar and they had made a significant investment in the restoration process of the vehicle and now that old vintage piece of what could have been easily considered scrap metal, is now worth thousands. Find ways to accumulate assets and minimize and eliminate liabilities and you are well on your way to your wealthy place.

If you are one who is looking to create wealth, this next tip is also a must on your road to wealth creation. Create and/or sell a product. This goes back to what I discussed earlier with discussing the attribute of the consumer. Most consumers don’t accumulate wealth but they accumulate things. It’s the producers that you find that are the ones that accumulate wealth. Wealthy individuals create products and find a way to sell them. Deuteronomy 8:18, “But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to create wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day.” You have been given a creative mind by the master creator himself and it’s time for you to use it for the betterment of mankind.

This brings me to my last and final point; find a problem, create the solution, and find a way to get paid for it. Look at the world in its totality, the world is full of wealthy people who solved problems that others complained about but they were the ones who had enough courage to do something about it and now they have reaped the rewards of a simple process called supply and demand. What issues have you complained about that you can create a solution for and get paid for it? Now is the time! If not you, who? If not now, when? There’s no time like the present. Many time throughout scripture when God sent ones on assignments he would specifically tell them, do not be afraid. Do not be afraid, take a leap of faith and trust God to take you into your wealthy place. The promise land was already given but in order for them to inherit it they had to possess it, which means they had to fight for it. Fight for your destiny, fight for your purpose! You know you’re supposed to be wealthy, don’t let fear enslave you like it has done so many others who have gone to the grave wealthy because they didn’t release the treasure inside that God placed there for his creation to benefit from. Allow God’s creation to benefit from your gift and allow your gift to make room for you. Step into your wealthy place!

Article Recap: Steps to Wealth Creation

1) Define what wealth means to you and create a plan based upon your definition not someone else’s
2) Realize that true wealth is created internally and viewed externally
3) Value investing. Invest in things that will bring value back to you
4) Establish and create assets while minimizing and eliminating liabilities
5) Create and/or sell a product

6) Find a problem, create a solution, and find a way to get paid for it

Michael Mariner is an inspired author, motivational speaker, minister, and entrepreneur. His fulfillment comes from empowering, equipping, and inspiring minds to think different in order to live and be different. As a shift strategist Michael's focus is to change lives through professional empowerment, self and personal development, leadership & change by assisting in creating strategies to excel you into your purpose and help change the dynamics of your future. Visit him on the web here:

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